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Environemt variables

Name Type Description Default
AGE_RECIPIENTS string[required] AGE public keys. Can be many splitted by comma. Note those must be public keys. Keep you private keys safe. -
BACKUP_PROVIDER string[required] See Providers chapter, choosen backup provider for example GCS. -
INSTANCE_NAME string Name of this ogion instance, will be used for example when sending fail messages. Defaults to system hostname. system hostname
BACKUP_MAX_NUMBER int Soft limit how many backups can live at once for backup target. Defaults to 7. This must makes sense with cron expression you use. For example if you want to have 7 day retention, and make backups at 5:00, max_backups=7 is fine, but if you make 4 backups per day, you would need max_backups=28. Limit is soft and can be exceeded if no backup is older than value specified in min_retention_days in backup target. Note this global default and can be overwritten by using max_backups param in specific targets. Min 1 and max 998. 7
BACKUP_MIN_RETENTION_DAYS int Hard minimum backups lifetime in days. Ogion won't ever delete files before, regardles of other options. Note this global default and can be overwritten by using min_retention_days param in specific targets. Min 0 and max 36600. 3
POSTGRESQL_... backup target syntax PostgreSQL database target, see PostgreSQL. -
MARIADB_... backup target syntax MariaDB database target, see MariaDB. -
SINGLEFILE_... backup target syntax Single file database target, see Single file. -
DIRECTORY_... backup target syntax Directory database target, see Directory. -
DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL http url Webhook URL for fail messages. -
DISCORD_MAX_MSG_LEN int Maximum length of messages send to discord API. Sensible default used. Min 150 and max 10000. 1500
SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL http url Webhook URL for fail messages. -
SLACK_MAX_MSG_LEN int Maximum length of messages send to slack API. Sensible default used. Min 150 and max 10000. 1500
SMTP_HOST string SMTP server host. -
SMTP_FROM_ADDR string Email address that will send emails. -
SMTP_PASSWORD string Password for SMTP_FROM_ADDR. -
SMTP_TO_ADDRS string Comma separated list of email addresses to send emails. For example, -
SMTP_PORT int SMTP server port. 587
LOG_LEVEL string Case sensitive const log level, must be one of INFO, DEBUG, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. INFO
SUBPROCESS_TIMEOUT_SECS int Indicates how long subprocesses can last. Note that all backups are run from shell in subprocesses. Defaults to 3600 seconds which should be enough for even big dbs to make backup of. Min 5 and max 86400 (24h). 3600
LOG_FOLDER_PATH string Path to store log files, for local development ./logs, in container /var/log/ogion. /var/log/ogion
SIGTERM_TIMEOUT_SECS int Time in seconds on exit how long ogion will wait for ongoing backup threads before force killing them and exiting. Min 0 and max 86400 (24h). 3600
OGION_CPU_ARCHITECTURE string CPU architecture, supported amd64 and arm64. Docker container will set it automatically so probably do not change it. null
DEBUG_AGE_SECRET_KEY string AGE single secret key used to automatically decrypt when using --restore or --restore-latest command without asking for it in input. Only for debug, tests or when you know what you are doing. amd64