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Environment variable

POSTGRESQL_SOME_STRING="host=... password=... cron_rule=..."


Any environment variable that starts with "POSTGRESQL_" will be handled as PostgreSQL. There can be multiple files paths definition for one ogion instance, for example POSTGRESQL_FOO_MY_DB1 and POSTGRESQL_BAR_MY_DB2. All currently supported versions are also supported by ogion. Changes in versions are automatically tracke . Params must be included in value, splited by single space for example "value1=1 value2=foo".


Name Type Description Default
password string[requried] PostgreSQL database password. -
cron_rule string[requried] Cron expression for backups, see for help. -
user string PostgreSQL database username. postgres
host string PostgreSQL database hostname. localhost
port int PostgreSQL database port. 5432
db string PostgreSQL database name. postgres
max_backups int Soft limit how many backups can live at once for backup target. Defaults to 7. This must makes sense with cron expression you use. For example if you want to have 7 day retention, and make backups at 5:00, max_backups=7 is fine, but if you make 4 backups per day, you would need max_backups=28. Limit is soft and can be exceeded if no backup is older than value specified in min_retention_days. Min 1 and max 998. Defaults to enviornment variable BACKUP_MAX_NUMBER, see Configuration. BACKUP_MAX_NUMBER
min_retention_days int Hard minimum backups lifetime in days. Ogion won't ever delete files before, regardles of other options. Min 0 and max 36600. Defaults to enviornment variable BACKUP_MIN_RETENTION_DAYS, see Configuration. BACKUP_MIN_RETENTION_DAYS

Additional connection params

Extra variables that starts with conn_ will be passed AS IS to psql command underthehood as url-encoded connection params:

For example you can use it for SSL setup:

  • conn_sslmode=verify-ca
  • conn_sslrootcert=path-to-mounted-server-ca-file
  • conn_sslcert=path-to-mounted-client-ca-file
  • conn_sslkey=path-to-mounted-client-key-file


# 1. Local PostgreSQL with backup every single minute
POSTGRESQL_FIRST_DB='host=localhost port=5432 password=secret cron_rule=* * * * *'

# 2. PostgreSQL in local network with backup on every night (UTC) at 05:00
POSTGRESQL_SECOND_DB='host= port=5432 user=foo password=change_me! db=bar cron_rule=0 5 * * *'

# 3. PostgreSQL in local network with backup on every 6 hours at '15 with max number of backups of 20
POSTGRESQL_THIRD_DB='host= port=5432 user=root password=change_me_please! db=project cron_rule=15 */3 * * * max_backups=20'

# 4. PostgreSQL connected using sslmode require
POSTGRESQL_4_DB_SSL='host=localhost port=5432 password=secret cron_rule=* * * * * conn_sslmode=require'